Spring into Savings! Up to 50% Off Spring Cleaning!
CleanBee LTD 598693
VAT: IE 3457018AH
Address 1 : 20 Waterside Green, Waterside Malahide Co Dublin , K36 TR66
Contact numbers:
+353 16994255
+353 (85) 252 6144 (Commercial Inquiries only)
Aurimas Jantauskas
Co-Founder and Managing Director
Martin Jantauskas
Co-Founder and Managing Director
Evelina Jantauskienė
Our Contracting cleaning integrated with our Deep cleaning, allows the deep clean results to be extended much further past their expiry.
Our mission, to provide a service that we would pay for if we were the customer.
When we began in 2014, our goal at that time was Oven Deep Cleaning. Why? Simple, people needed their ovens cleaned to a brand-new like state. We failed to find a company that could provide such a service to such a high-quality, so we decided to be the FIRST!
Along our journey, we noticed the same flaws in other areas of cleaning services (Carpet, Upholstery, Kitchen, Home, After-renovation etc.).
This brings us to today, where our service can cover all aspects for all fields.
Our roots, which through hard work are still engraved into our Company’s mission ;
“Provide a service that we would pay for as the customer”
Our Company’s Eco-Friendly analogy of thinking is very straight forward. Here it is :
“Do you prefer living in a clean, tidy, fresh home?
Or, do you prefer living in a dirty, cluttered, polluted home?”
The answer is clear.
Earth, is our one and only home.
Why destroy the environment & pollute the air? What’s the benefit?
Profit? Such a way of thinking is what caused the Earth to be in the state it’s in today.
Since our founding days, we’ve been advocates for an Eco-friendly cleaning system.
If a cleaning process goes against our belief for a greener way of life then we DO NOT implement the cleaning service into our Company.
Yes, short-term, we do lose out on some Profits. However, long-term, the benefits are something that money cannot buy, a place to live.
All small actions have a compound effect.
Consistency in our belief and action is what can benefit our one and only home to a greener way of life.
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